EXTENDED DEADLINE- Call for Applications for the selection of 3 experts for the implementation of the “Securing integrity, efficiency and independence of the justice system in Moldova – #Justice4Moldova” Project
The Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), extends the deadline for the submission of applications for the call for selection of 3 experts to provide analytical services in the framework of the project “Securing integrity, efficiency and independence of the justice system in Moldova – #Justice4Moldova”, implemented by IPRE as lead partner, in consortium with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Soros Foundation Moldova
The general objective of the project is to contribute to an increased role of civil society and media to support independence, integrity, efficiency, and accountability of the justice system in the Republic of Moldova.
Specific objectives:
- Enhance the capacity of the civil society and policy experts to advance the implementation of justice sector policiesin a transparent and accountable manner in line with European rule of law and human rights standards and Association Agreement.
- Increase the independence, integrity and efficiency of justice and anti-corruption actors through scrutiny and support by civil society, policy and media organisations.
The selected experts will be responsible for:
- Developing modules for the capacity-building training program for civil society and policy experts on conducting independent policy development, monitoring activities, policy dialogue and advocacy of justice sector policies. The training program will include 2 modules (1 day per module), covering the following topics:
- Module 1: main concepts, tools and instruments on conducting policy development and monitoring with a particular focus on justice sector policies.
- Module 2: tools and best practices in conducting policy advocacy, public communication, and effective interaction with national and international stakeholders.
- Delivering the training for a group of 15 civil society and policy experts, focusing on specific case studies and interactive engagement among the participants.
- Developing a comprehensive toolkit covering topics as policy development, monitoring, policy dialogue and advocacy in justice sector.
- Providing continuous mentorship support to the GEJ experts selected as a result of the training programme mentioned above.
- Peer-review of 10 position papers developed by GEJ experts.
- Peer-review of 2 shadow reports developed by GEJ experts.
- Peer-review of 5 op-eds/commentaries
- Providing support in development of the functional analysis of one justice and anticorruption institution.
- Peer-review of the report on functional analysis of one justice and anticorruption institution, developed by an international expert.
- Peer-review of the integrity check reports, developed by investigative journalists and vetting analysts selected within the project.
Submission of applications
For participation in the selection procedure, the applicant shall submit the following documents electronically to [email protected] by 14.07.2023, 18.00 (Chișinău time):
- The technical offerthat should include:
- CV in English, indicating for what expert position/positions the applicant is applying (recommended EuropeAid format);
- Methodology (i.e. a general description of the implementation vision, which will include an indicative work plan for carrying out the tasks assigned to the expert position for which the candidate applies as per the ToR)
- The financial offerindicating the net daily rate to be paid for a full working day (8 hours) (using the template provided).
The applicant must specify in the offer and in the text of the email the position for which he/she is applying (Expert1, 2 or 3). Applying for more than one position is allowed.
Detailed information on the main tasks, the application process and the evaluation criteria can be found in the Terms of Reference available here.
The financial offer will be submitted using the template available here.
Application deadline: 14.07.2023, 18.00 (Chișinău time).
For any additional information please contact Ecaterina Popșoi, Project manager via email: [email protected]or tel. +373 22 788 978.