PROJECT: Justice Expert’s Group (GEJ)
16 April 2020
PROJECT: Justice Expert’s Group (GEJ)
Duration: March 1, 2020 – February 28, 2022
Overall objective: to promote a transparent, systemic and substantiated process of reform of the justice sector in the Republic of Moldova by strengthening civil society and the environment of experts in monitoring, policy making and promoting reforms.
Specific objectives:
- 1. Strengthening a group of experts in the field of justice (GEJ);
- 2. Improvement of the quality of policy documents and strategic planning documents approved in the justice sector;
- 3. Increasing awareness from the general public of the essence and purpose of reforms undertaken and actions in the field of justice;
- 4. Improve the perception of the objectives and realities of the reforms in the justice sector by external partners, including persons with decision-making functions and NGOs in the main partner states.
Key activities:
- • Creation and operationalization of the activity of the Justice Expert Group (GEJ):
- o Selection of experts and coordinator;
- o Development of a guide for evaluation and monitoring of public policies in the field of justice;
- o Monitoring and evaluation of public policy proposals in the justice sector;
- o Development of 7 monitoring reports with summaries of opinions, evaluations of initiatives and public policy proposals;
- o Development of at least 7 opinions, evaluations that analyse events, initiatives, public policy proposals in the justice sector;
- o Development of 7 alternative or complementary public policy proposals for initiatives, analysed public policy proposals;
- o Development of a White Paper in the field of Justice;
- o Evaluation of the implementation of the priorities set out in the White Paper, after half a year from the publication of this document;
- • Communicating to the general public, in a simple language, about the goals and impact of public policy proposals in the field of justice:
- o Development of a communication plan;
- o Preparation of at least 4 videos and 4 infographics;
- o Participation in at least 6 TV shows and 6 radio talk-shows on topics related to the field of justice;
- o Organisation of 5 sessions of informal communication with governmental and non-governmental actors in areas related to justice reform;
- o Organising a closing conference of the project;
- o Organising 3 advocacy events in the main European capitals in the field of justice reform, involving officials from within the EU, Member States and international and national NGOs involved in the field of justice;
Expected results:
- • The Justice Expert Group (GEJ) is created and functional;
- • Rules of procedure of the GEJ developed;
- • The guidelines of evaluation and monitoring of public policies in the field of justice developed;
- • 7 reports on the monitoring of the justice sector, with the insertion of summaries of opinions, evaluations of initiatives and public policy proposals developed by the GEJ;
- • 7 opinions, evaluations developed by GEJ;
- • 7 public policy proposals in areas related to the reform of the justice sector developed by the GEJ;
- • The White Paper on Justice prepared by the GEJ;
- • White Paper evaluation report, after the first 6 months after publication;
- • At least 3 public policies formulated by the Government, adjusted following GEJ recommendations;
- • An improved strategy and action plan in the field of justice through contributions from the GEJ;
- • Communication plan of the created project;
- • 8 external communication materials in the field of reforms and processes in the justice sector developed: 4 videos and 4 infographics;
- • 6 TV shows and 6 radio interviews organised on topics related to the justice sector reform;
- • At least 50 thousand citizens informed about the reforms and proposals in the justice sector;
- • At least 50 representatives of international organisations, NGOs from outside the country and Governments, development partners, informed about the priorities, challenges and reforms in the justice sector.
Project is implemented with the financial support of the Justice and Human Rights Department of the Soros Foundation-Moldova.