IPRE supports strengthening cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Romania in the fight against high-level corruption

12 October 2022

During October 10-11, 2022, our colleagues, Iulian Groza and Ecaterina Popșoi, participated in a visit to Bucharest of Mrs. Veronica Dragalin, Chief of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (APO) and Mr. Iulian Rusu, Director of the National Anticorruption Center (NAC). The main purpose of the visit was to encourage a framework for operational and strategic cooperation on fighting high-level corruption between the relevant authorities from the Republic of Moldova and Romania.

During the visit, the representatives of the national anticorruption authorities met with the leadership of the Ministry of Justice, the Superior Council of Magistracy, the Prosecutor General of Romania, the Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) and the Director General of the National Agency for Criminal Assets (ANABI) of Romania.  Also, IPRE in cooperation with Expert-Forum Romania organized a discussion with investigative journalists and anticorruption experts from Romania.

The visit was organized in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Romania and Expert Forum Romania, within a framework partnership on anticorruption policies with the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, the General Prosecutor’s Office and the NAC, as part of the IPRE’s initiative “Ensuring integrity, efficiency and independence of the justice system in the Republic of Moldova”, carried out by IPRE with the support of its Soros Foundation Moldova.



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