Author: Mihai Mogîldea, IPRE Deputy Director
Increasing the number of users of digital identification mechanisms among the population of the Republic of Moldova is the main prerequisite for popularizing digital public services nationwide. In the context of the implementation of the National Strategy for Digital Transformation 2023 – 2030, the governmental authorities have assumed the objective of developing a digital society, through “knowledge about the existence of digital services, technologies and content”, but also through a greater openness of the population to use them, by “finding relevant content and services of interest to everyone”. In other words, digital services and tools must correspond to the needs of the target groups, but also match the profile of the beneficiaries in order to be accessible and offer as many opportunities as possible.
The general expectation in Moldova is that young people are among the main users and beneficiaries of the digital ecosystem. This perception is supported by the higher level of digital literacy of young people compared to other age groups, as well as the ownership and widespread use of smart phones, computers and new gadgets by young people.
However, the fundamental condition for access to the infrastructure of public digital services and digital public platforms is to obtain a digital identity or electronic signature. This condition requires consistent efforts by the authorities to promote digital identity, including through programs and public policies developed at national level. An example of this is the national program “Voucher cultural”, launched by the authorities in November 2022. The program, aimed at young people aged 18, requires beneficiaries to have an electronic signature.
This analytical note aims to analyze the issue of digital identity among young people in the Republic of Moldova by examining, as a case study, the results of the implementation of the “Cultural Voucher” program. At the same time, this analysis aims to point out the main challenges related to the promotion of digital identity among young people and to provide a series of recommendations for policy makers who are or should be fully involved in the management of this program. In the process of documenting this topic, the Institute for European Policy and Reform (IPRE) has requested information and data from the Ministry of Culture, the eGovernment Agency (AGE), the Information Technologies and Cyber Security Service (STISC) and the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC).
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