IPRE organized a training session for enhancing the digital skills among librarians from Moldova

22 April 2024

The Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), in cooperation with GIZ Moldova, the National Library of Moldova and the Electronic Government Agency (EGA), organized, during April 18-19, 2024, the training session “Development of digital skills among librarians from Moldova”. The session was organized at the headquarters of EGA, where the technical equipment necessary for practical exercises was available to the participants.

During the two days, more than 40 library managers from different regions of the country learned more information about the ways to access digital public services through existing platforms, such as MPay, MPower, MDelivery and MCabinet. At the same time, the participants were familiarized with the opportunities offered by the digital identity and the electronic signature, being encouraged to test the new EVO mobile application, developed by EGA. The training session was coordinated by Olga Tumuruc and Victor Guzun, experts in the field of digital transformation within IPRE.

During the training, the librarians highlighted several challenges, but also recommendations for increasing the digital skills among libraries, being ready to provide support to colleagues from over 2,500 libraries across the country, but also to members of the communities they represent.

The training was organized by IPRE, with the joint support of the “Policy Advisory Fund” and “E-Governance and Digitization in the Eastern Partnership countries” projects, financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Moldova.


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