The project “Strenghtening the level of awareness and understanding of the security and defense issues of the Republic of Moldova”

2 March 2022

This project aims at ehnancing the awarness and understanding of the key recent and ongoing developments related to the defence and security of the Republic of Moldova. Through a series of events, analytical commentaries, podcasts and videos, the project aims at conributing to a better understanding of the peculiariteis of the most recent events, dyanamics, and reforms related to the defence and security sectors. The planned activities will focus on strenghtening the dialogue between civil society, think-tanks, mass-media, and public authorities.

Key objectives:

  • To initiate and organize a series of offline policy discussions with the participation of mass-media, civil society and decision-makers regarding the developments in the area of the defense and security, both in Moldova and at the regional level;
  • To develop a series of media and visibility products, such as podcasts, analytical commentaries and explanatory videos, covering actual and relevant events, policy decisions and reforms for Moldova’s security and defence in the context of regional security challenges.


  • Offline policy discussions with the participation of mass-media, civil society, and decision-makers from Moldova and the Eastern Partnership region;
  • Podcasts to discuss the views of the national authorities, civil society and expert community on the key challenges and prospects for Moldova’s national defence and security, cooperation with international partners and opportunities for enhancing the state resilience;
  • Analytical commentaries/op-eds aimed at covering and explaining key developments at the regional and national level, but also proving a series of recommendations for relevant stakeholders;
  • Explanatory short videos for the general public, related to the key terms, institutions, documents signed and strategies under implementation in the security and defence sectosr of Moldova.

Project timeline:

The project activities will take place between March – November 2022.

Implementing organizations:

The project is implemented by the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, in partnership with and media platforms.


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