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Proiectul „Capacitarea organizațiilor societății civile în Balcanii de Vest și Moldova”
1 February 2022
This year (2022), IPRE, in partnership with Strategic Analysis SK and other nine partner organizations from the Visegrad states and the Western Balkans region, will implement the project “NGOs/CSOs Skills Enhancement in the Western Balkans and Repblic of Moldova”.
The project aims to contribute to the development of civil society organizations and their involvement in the decision-making process at the local and national level. Within the project, a mentoring program and a series of trainings will be organized for CSOs from the Republic of Moldova and the Western Balkans countries. During 16-17 June 2022 (tbc), IPRE will host a training session for the Moldovan community of civil society organizations and will co-organize a Public Event part of the consultations process within the Conference for the Future of Europe launched by the European Union.
More details here.
This initiative is financed by the International Visegrad Fund.