PROJECT: Communication Strategy and Consultancy Support to the Ministry of Justice

9 November 2021

Duration: 9 November 2021- 30 September 2022

Overall objective: The general objective of the project is to increase the awareness among stakeholders and general population on the priorities and actions of the Ministry of Justice in the area of justice reform and fight against high level corruption and improve the impact of the participation of the Ministry of Justice in the self-management bodies.

Specific objectives: 

SO1. To strengthen the capacities of the ministry to effectively communicate on the efforts taken to promote justice reform and the fight against high level corruption.

SO2. To improve the quality and participation of the Ministry of Justice in the management of justice through the Supreme Council of Magistrates and the Supreme Council of Prosecutors.

Key activities:

Under Specific Objective 1. To strengthen the capacities of the ministry to effectively communicate on the efforts taken to promote justice reform and the fight against high level corruption

  • Elaboration of an assessments of needs in the field of communication of the Ministry of Justice (highlight the main problems and identify solutions);
  • Contract key project experts and communication consultants;
  • Development of a communication plan for the next 4 months (with its periodic and contextual updating);
  • Development of Message-boxes (communication guidelines with messages for public and media appearances) for the leadership of the Ministry of Justice;
  • Strengthening and training the press service of the Ministry of Justice, by conducting at least 3 communication trainings ;
  • At least 2 training sessions in communication, public and media appearances for the leadership of the Ministry of Justice (Minister, Secretaries of State and other speakers from the Ministry
  • Development of an institutional partnership with journalists (regular holding of offlines, round tables, etc.);
  • Consultancy on PR actions and dissemination of messages regarding the justice sector reform
  • Crisis communication support;


Under Specific Objective 2. To improve the quality and participation of the Ministry of Justice in the management of justice through the Supreme Council of Magistrates and the Supreme Council of Prosecutors.

  • Analysis of the materials related to the agenda of the SCM and CSP meetings;
  • Preparation of informative notes on the topics on the agenda of the meetings;
  • Analysis of systemic problems and submission of proposals for their solution by the SCM and SCP;
  • Preparation of documents related to the proposals of the Minister of Justice as a member of the SCM and SCP;

Expected results: 

  • A needs assessment in the field of communication of the Ministry of Justice is developed;
  • Key project experts and communication consultants are contracted and provide support to the Ministry of justice in the field of communications and expertise regarding the activity of the SCM and SCP;
  • A communication plan for the Ministry of Justice is developed and periodically updated;
  • Message boxes (communication guidelines with messages for public and media appearances) for the leadership of the Ministry of Justice are developed and used;
  • At least 3 communication trainings are organized for the press service staff of the Ministry of Justice;
  • At least 2 training sessions in communication, public and media appearances are organized for the leadership of the Ministry of Justice (Minister, Secretaries of State and other speakers from the Ministry);
  • An institutional partnership with journalists is developed . At least 1 offline with journalist is organized;
  • Communication consultants are involved writing and / or editing press materials, including social media materials and posts;
  • Communication consultants provide advice on PR actions and dissemination of messages regarding the justice sector reform;
  • Communication consultants provide crisis communication support;
  • Key justice experts provide analysis of the materials related to the agenda of the SCM and CSP meetings;
  • At least 10 informative notes on the topics on the agenda of the meetings of SCM and CSP are prepared by the key justice experts;
  • Key justice experts provide analysis of systemic problems and submission of proposals for their solution by the SCM and SCP;
  • At least 2 documents related to the proposals of the Minister of Justice as a member of the SCM and SCP are prepared.

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