ADDITIONAL OPINION to the draft Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy ensuring the independence and integrity of the justice sector for the years 2021-2024
This opinion is submitted in the context of the public consultations launched by the Ministry of Justice and submitted to the relevant institutions on 7 August 2020 on the draft Strategy ensuring the independence and integrity of the justice sector for the years 2021-2024 (hereinafter Strategy) and the Action Plan for its implementation (hereinafter “Action Plan”).
Our conclusion is that the updated draft Action Plan has taken into account several of the recommendations we proposed earlier. However, we have some suggestions for improving the action plan.
This opinion was prepared in the framework of the project „Support to the development and implementation of justice policies in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by IPRE with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
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