Chaillot Paper entitled  “The Eastern Partnership a decade on: looking back, thinking ahead”

18 July 2019

The EU Institute for Security Studies published a new issue of the Chaillot Paper entitled  “The Eastern Partnership a decade on: looking back, thinking ahead”. Our colleague Iulian Groza is the author of the chapter on Moldova.
The Paper looks back on the evolution of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), unveils shifting attitudes & provides analyses of the successes and failures experienced in the six partner states and suggests ways in which EaP can be adapted to current realities to prevent key challenges and capitalise on new opportunities.
Asked to provide a summary of the Chapter on Moldova, Iulian Groza, IPRE Executive Director, mentioned „Over the past decade, Moldova has come full circle and is now entering a new phase in its relations with the EU. Initially turned a cold shoulder to the EaP initiative, succeeded shortly thereafter by an enthusiastic embrace of the policy as relations with the EU improved. Since 2016, political relations had been on a downward slope again. Despite this, economically Moldova has become more dependent on the EU market than was the case a decade ago due to the impact of the DCFTA. However, with the altered political circumstances as of early June 2019, and the advent of the new pro-reform technocratic government led by Maia Sandu, the Association Agreement and Moldova’s European integration process are now back on track as the cornerstones of Moldova’s foreign and domestic policy. This creates a historical momentum for the country to rebuild its tattered democracy. It also opens up a new window of opportunity for resuming and deepening Moldova’s Association process with the EU, including in the framework of the EaP and possibly beyond.
The text of the Chapter on Moldova entitled „Renewed hope after a string of setbacks” is available below:
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The full text of the EUISS Chaillot Paper „Eastern Partnership a Decade on: Looking Back, Thinking Ahead” is available below:


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