IPRE will co-organize the second edition of the Eastern Partnership Think-Tank Forum (14 – 16 November 2018)
The Institute for European Policies and Reforms, together with Experts for Security and Global Affairs (Bucharest), New Europe Center (Kyiv) and the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (Tbilsi), are organizing the Eastern Partnership Think-Tank Forum 2.0. The event will take place in Bucharest, between 14 – 16 of November, and will reunite over 25 experts from the European Union and the Eastern Partnership countries, together with other 100 participants coming from Romania. The theme of the EaP Think – Tank Forum will focus on the challanges for the regional security within the Eastern Partnership. The overall aim is to contribute to the strengthening of the policy and advocacy capacities of EaP CSF network of think-tanks in order to propose a comprehensive vision (national and regional) over the EaP security agenda in the light of the EaP 2020 deliverables.
You can find more information about the event in the video bellow:
The project benefits from support through the EaP Civil Society Forum Re-granting Scheme and is funded by the European Union as part of its support to civil society in the region. Within its Re-granting Scheme, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) supports projects of its members that contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the Forum. The overall amount for the 2018 call for proposals is 250.000 EUR. Grants are available for CSOs from the Eastern Partnership and EU countries. Key areas of support are democracy and human rights, economic integration, environment and energy, contacts between people, social and labour policies.