Shadow progress report 2014-2016. Synthesis and recommendation
The Association Agreement sets the fundamental legal framework that regulates the relationship between the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter Moldova) and the European Union. The EU-Moldova Association Agenda (2014-2016) was adopted in summer 2014. At the national level, the Government of Moldova developed and implemented in the period of 2014-2016 the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Association Agreement (hereinafter referred to as NAPIAA). According to the Government Progress Report on the NAPIAA implementation, presented on January 25th, 2017, 73.73% of the planned activities were implemented. The Report of the Government also shows that the harmonization of the national legislation to the acquis communautaire was accomplished at a rate of 34%. On March 10, 2017 the European Commission published its first Report on the Implementation of the Association with Moldova, which states that a series of reforms were adopted in Moldova. However, additional efforts are needed, especially to consolidate the rule of law and improvement of the business environment.
In this context, this „Shadow” Progress Report on the EU – Moldova Association Agreement implementation was prepared. The report is a contribution to the effort of the Moldovan civil society to monitor the implementation of the Association Agreement. Thus, the report will provide an assessment of the measures undertaken by the Moldovan authorities to implement the Association Agreement during the 2014-2016, touching upon the benchmark elements. Subsequently, the authors present a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the registered results in the implementation of the 1784 measures provided by the NAPIAA (pursuant to Titles II-VI of the Association Agreement).
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